Do you know BADRY – GROUP?


Active since 2000, this major player in Construction, Buildings, Electromechanical, Systems, Contracting, Serices, Maintenance and Trade fields has a good C.V for Supplies and Turnkey Projects and well known customers in Egypt market.

BADRY GROUP enjoys a strong presence on various market in TRADING, CONTRACTING, SYSTEMS, SERVICES, MAINTENANCE, MANUFACTURE, DEVELOPMENT, SUPPLY in a very competitive position. This is the result of high efficiency and full autonomy in all these phases of the Planning, construction, production, and engineering process, marketing and after sales.

Today BADRY GROUP is one of the main companies operating in these sectors, and is capable of offering you full range of industrial supplies, materials, equipments, construction, contracting, engineering services in the fields Energy, Electrical (ELEC), Lighting Electro-mechanical (MEP), Low Current Works (LCW), Courts, Sports Lighting (SLS), Systems, Networks, Ground Improvements (GIC), Steel structure (SSC) , Metal works , Safety & Security, Measurements & Meters, Process equipment's , Motors , Transformers (ETC), Generators, Pumps , Pipe lines & Fittings, Expansion Joints, Valves, Oil & Gas field Services, Industrial Installations, marking , fencing and control & Automation .

Every day, BADRY GROUP offers (optimum & economical) to his customers many improved, required quotes for services & supplies & solutions according to approved standards and an ever wider range of products & services.

You are very welcomed on BADRY GROUP website for a detailed presentation of the company.
Please do not miss the opportunity to send us your inquiries (Fax: +20 2 219 06 823)
E .mail:( badry@ Att. MR. Hany El-badry (COO)
Also we can receive your written Inquires on ordinary mail of P.O. Box 1527 Alf Maskan, Cairo, 11777, Egypt.
We will offer you our best prices in a short time.

BADRY Definition

BADRY Contracting & Development Co., Honour to make for you the Definition of its activities, where we Specialists in Buisness areas of Electromechanical and Mineral Works with its All types and specializations, as Electro – Mechanical & Control Suppling activities (Electrical, Panel Boards, Transformers, Control System, Emergency, Lighting, Exploison Products A.C, Ventilation, Pumps , Motors, Generators, Alarm systems , Fire Extinguishers and Light Current Systems, Lighting Poles, Masts, Fencing ) Works of Iron and Metals, with Installations, Networks of Piping, Reservoirs, Capinets, Enclousres, Ducts, and Trays .
BADRY can furnish Integrated Equipment for Buildings, Installations, Residential, Commercial, Industrial Centers and so Finishing & Decoration Works







Quality policy statement

BADRY GP firmly believes that our systemic procedures and business processes, professionally followed and well accomplished by our enthusiastic staff, clearly indicates our care and continuance in providing high levels of our quality works, customer service and customer satisfaction.
BADRY GP strives to consistently providing quality engineering with the most reliable and efficient maintenance services, subject to total compliance on all its requirements, and where possible exceeds the expectations of our customers.
BADRY GP focuses on training and development of its personnel through their flexibility and adaptability to service the overwhelmingly transforming business environment, by innovative working techniques and continuously improve the efficacy of our design and building management systems.
We will ensure that all our staff having good knowledge and understanding of our quality objectives, working towards meeting the system requirements, and committed to developing processes and promoting new ideas. To address and achieve an ongoing progress in quality service and customer satisfaction
BADRY GP will maintain, review and revise its quality objectives and targets annually. Concurrently,  BADRY GP is committed with established quality management system, both administrative and operational, to work towards continuous improvement on its quality performance in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001.


Environmental Management policy statement

BADRY GP aims at preserving the environment for our future and provides its support to free the planet from CFCs.
We will identify and better manage our environmental risks and opportunities.
BADRY GP closely observes and works with employees, clients, suppliers and other related organizations to upgrade our enduring operational strategies and working procedures to best practice standards.
BADRY GP prime target operationally is to eliminate our negative environmental impact by wherever possible minimizing the wastage, and prevent the usage of environmentally unfriendly products, while endeavoring to maximize our positive environmental impact and better living conditions.
We will keep up and maintain the environment around us clean and safe, and regularly monitor, raise alarm and respond to any hazardous environmental situation observed.
BADRY GP ensures that its activities will always comply with the Government's Environment Policy, follow and maintain them in all our administrative, operational, logistics and site areas of our projects.
BADRY GP affirms that all managerial and supervisory staff are accountable for environmental performance in their area of responsibility.


We are currently servicing all over Egypt and Africa & Arabian Countries. If you need more
information about how we can help you call us at  +20(2) -219-06-401